• It provides a suitable and common place of business.

  • It provides suitable contract forms for business, e.g. Ready, Specific delivery, Factory Selection, Hedge Contact, Foreign Contacts etc.

  • It regulates admission and timing of business hours.

  • It regulates making, carrying out, and enforcement of settlement of cotton contracts.

  • It adjusts differences by arbitration or otherwise between contracting parties in the cotton trade.

  • It establishes just and equitable principles in the cotton trade and maintain uniformity in control of cotton trade.

  • It makes and adopts standards of classification of cotton of each variety for adjustments of cotton prices for differences in class and staple.

  • It helps to acquire, preserve and disseminate useful information relating to cotton trade.

  • It attempts to find out ways to reduce the risk involved in cotton trading.

  • It has provisions to establish and maintain a Clearing House to facilitate cotton transactions.

  • It fixes and publicizes cotton spot rates and settles deals and rates of contracts and arranges settlement through the Clearing House of the Cotton Exchange.

  • It maintains liaison with Government for protection of the trade interests and works to improve understanding between trade and authorities.

  • It prescribes guide lines for framing of contracts with a view to eliminate temptation and possibility of speculative manipulations.

  • It endeavors to introduce the cotton trade and projects the image of Pakistan cottons in world market.

  • It compares standards of Pakistan cotton with standards of other countries services.